2004-06-04 - Calling All ...
Originally posted 2004-06-04 22:54
I made this meeting poster or a smaller version, both of which you can download (PDF). If you would like the poster in editable OpenOffice.org format, please send me an email.
To get this summer's Linux groove moving, we're meeting June 15th at Ingleside Village Pizza in Macon, GA at 6:00pm. Check out Meeting under Upcoming events in the sidebar. Let's try to keep it to about an hour (hey, TheLinuxShow comes on at 9pm and I'm the IRC log maintainer!). I've gotten prior approval for a small group and as long as we buy pizza Tina will be happy ;-), that is unless we achieve record attendance.
BTW, I got the pizza meeting idea from the GLUE site. Again, check the Current meetings for all the details and a map link. Please let us know what you think! We need your input! Check this site for updates. Send me an email: -- jeff at mgalug dot org. FYI: I announced MGALUG.org on the GLUE site.
local postings:
Ingleside Village Pizza
The Joshua Cup
Chesapeake Bagel Bakery
Museum of Arts and Sciences
nomasteryoda out